While the violet-blues of the Salvia River continue to dominate, other plants are bringing more colors from the spectrum as the garden eases into its summer cloak. Reds, oranges and yellows can be found, making an effective contrast to the blues and purples of the meadow sage.
Monday, June 28, 2010
What's Blooming? Color!
While the violet-blues of the Salvia River continue to dominate, other plants are bringing more colors from the spectrum as the garden eases into its summer cloak. Reds, oranges and yellows can be found, making an effective contrast to the blues and purples of the meadow sage.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Summer Solstice
Sunrise 5:16 am on the longest day of the year, but the sun will not reach the garden until well after six. When the light reaches the meadow, the leaves of Silphium laciniatum (Compass Plant) are backlit, emphasizing its deeply-cut leaves that look like large hands reaching toward the sky. In the foreground, a pink cloud of Geum triflorum (Prairie Smoke) catches the light as it filters through the trees that form a canopy over the Dark Plate (Robinia pseudoacacia 'Chicago Blues').
Small garden signs will direct you to other plants in bloom that include: Echinacea purpurea 'Rubinglow' a deep pink coneflower that is just beginning to show; Phlomis tuberosa 'Amazone' (Phlomis) a tall plant with pink flowers clustered around the stem; Sanguisorba menziesii (Burnett) with red knot-like flowers and toothed leaves, growning near the stairs at the Seam.
Monday, June 14, 2010
What's Blooming?
While the Salvia River continues its violet surge through the Light Plate, other parts of the garden are transforming from their late spring colors to summer in hues of pink, red and orange. This morning at 10 am Lurie Garden docents will give short 20-minute tours of the garden, pointing out new blooming plants.
If you wish to take a self-guided tour, pick up one of the yellow booklets on the Lurie Garden at the tent on the south end of the Seam. As you walk the paths, look for garden signs that give both botanic and common names.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Last of the Peonies
The heavy rains we've had the last few days have left their mark on the garden. Rivulets have appeared along the paths and water stands in pools wherever there is a slight change in grade. It feels as though bloomtime is about two weeks behind schedule.

In the Dark Plate, the petals of Paeonia lactiflora 'Jan van Leeuwen' (Herbaceous Peonies) are drooping and dropping. It was only a few weeks ago that these plants were the stars of the garden, brightening the understory with their hot-white flowers. Now they look as though pieces of white tissue have blown in to cover the stems.
Although they look less stately, the peonies bring interest to the garden with their gauzey petals and shaggy, golden centers. Come into the garden and watch these plants as they move into their next phase, when their seed pods will swell into shapes the size of large, green olives.
In the Dark Plate, the petals of Paeonia lactiflora 'Jan van Leeuwen' (Herbaceous Peonies) are drooping and dropping. It was only a few weeks ago that these plants were the stars of the garden, brightening the understory with their hot-white flowers. Now they look as though pieces of white tissue have blown in to cover the stems.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Shrouded in Mist
Foggy and 56 degrees. Last night's nearly half-inch of rain left the garden looking moist and lush. This morning, the tops of skyscrapers to the west and north of the Lurie Garden are shrouded in fog. A few blocks west, the Sears Tower has disappeared entirely.
This phenomenon has left tiny water droplets on the plants, giving them a magical look usually rendered from an artist's imagination.
The tiny stamen tips of Astrantia major 'Roma' (Masterwort) look as though each is embellished with a Swarovski crystal bead.
Pink clouds of Geum triflorum (Prairie Smoke) are weighted down with moisture. If the sun were to come out at this moment, you would think they were covered in diamonds.
Official summer is less than two weeks away, but one could never guess from the cool, wet weather we have had this spring. This has been a Northwest spring, an Oregon spring, where overcast skies have intensified the colors of the flowers rather than washing them out. When we have a day like today, I wish that the Lurie Garden extended another five acres.
Monday, June 7, 2010
What's Blooming?
It is a perfect day for strolling the garden with a Master Gardener docent. Skies should remain overcast, creating good, reflective light for photographing plants.
In addition to the Salvia River in the Light Plate, you will find a variety of plants from the blue-violet palette. Tradescantia 'Concord Grape' (Spiderwort) is blooming in the center near the Seam. You can get a closer viewing in the northwest corner of the garden near the Shoulder Hedge.

Stands of Baptisia 'Purple Smoke' (Hybrid Wild Indigo) are scattered throughout the Light Plate. This is a bold plant with spikes of deep blue pea-like flowers.
For contrast, three varieties of Amsonia, more delicate with star shaped flowers, are planted in close proximity.
Amsonia hubrichtii (Arkansas Blue Star) has needle-like leaves and clusters of tiny, pale blue flowers.
A. tabernaemontana var. salicifolia (Willowleaf Blue Star) has, as its name implies, leaves shaped like those of a willow with clusters of flowers in a medium blue.
Amsonia 'Blue Ice' is making its debut this year. Only 12 to 18 inches high, it fills in as a ground cover with its willow-like leaves and slate blue flowers. All three plants are native to the southeastern U.S.
The majority of plants blooming in the Dark Plate are white - giving the eye a rest from the abundant purples in the Light Plate. Look for brilliant stands of Paeonia lactiflora 'Jan van Leeuwen' (Herbaceous Peonies) on both sides of the Cloud Plaza. Each flower is nearly 4 inches in diameter with hot-white petals in one or two rows with a large, central mass of golden staminodes.
Overhead, Robinia pseudoacacia 'Chicago Blues' (Black Locust) is still in bloom, its dense pendant clusters of white flowers gently perfuming the air. Nearby, Baptisia leucantha (Wild White Indigo) is beginning to open its creamy white flowers.
Garden tours begin at the white tent located at the south end of the Seam. Tours last about 20 minutes are are given every 15 minutes from 10 am to 1:30 pm.

Stands of Baptisia 'Purple Smoke' (Hybrid Wild Indigo) are scattered throughout the Light Plate. This is a bold plant with spikes of deep blue pea-like flowers.
For contrast, three varieties of Amsonia, more delicate with star shaped flowers, are planted in close proximity.

A. tabernaemontana var. salicifolia (Willowleaf Blue Star) has, as its name implies, leaves shaped like those of a willow with clusters of flowers in a medium blue.

The majority of plants blooming in the Dark Plate are white - giving the eye a rest from the abundant purples in the Light Plate. Look for brilliant stands of Paeonia lactiflora 'Jan van Leeuwen' (Herbaceous Peonies) on both sides of the Cloud Plaza. Each flower is nearly 4 inches in diameter with hot-white petals in one or two rows with a large, central mass of golden staminodes.

Overhead, Robinia pseudoacacia 'Chicago Blues' (Black Locust) is still in bloom, its dense pendant clusters of white flowers gently perfuming the air. Nearby, Baptisia leucantha (Wild White Indigo) is beginning to open its creamy white flowers.
Garden tours begin at the white tent located at the south end of the Seam. Tours last about 20 minutes are are given every 15 minutes from 10 am to 1:30 pm.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
The Salvia River
The Salvia River is at its peak, flooding the Light Plate with shades of violet. This area of the garden is so named because it cuts a boomerang-shaped swathe through the Light Plate from the Shoulder Hedge to the Meadow.

The Salvias are planted in wide bands, crosswise to the channel. When you stand on the north path of the Light Plate and look south over the Salvia, the bands of color seem to ripple and undulate toward you - like a river.

The common name for these Salvias is Meadow Sage. The stems are square, indicating they are from the mint family. A closer look at the leaves show a similarity to the Mediterranean herb used in cooking, S. officinalis.
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