A new storm came down from Canada on Friday evening. All day Saturday snow fell lightly or blew off the lake so that by Sunday morning, a 3-inch blanket of new snow covered the garden and rested in the limbs of trees in the Shoulder Hedge. The photo above looks west with the Sears Tower in the distance.

Hakenochioa macra (Hakone Grass) is planted near the edge of the Cloud Plaza. With foliage that resembles bamboo,it makes soft mounds that add another texture to this part of the garden. But it really comes into its prime in the fall, when it turns the color of a copper penny that holds through the winter. Notice the shadows it casts on the snow.

More winter silhouettes are found in the Meadow - umber coneflowers, golden prairie dropseed and tall, rust-colored compass plants.
Other visitors in the garden.