Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Glory of the Snow!

Sunrise 6:37 am - Warmer temperatures overnight had begun to melt the snow as I entered the garden. I was anxious to see what Chionodoxa forbesii 'Blue Giant' would look like in the snow and I was not disappointed. The deep violet flowers were scattered over the icy landscape - more showy than when framed against bare soil.

The Meadow was a bright white coverlet, dotted with blues and pinks. Rosy buds of Geum triflorum (Prairie Smoke), undaunted by their chilly blanket, poked their heads through the ice in groups of three. The petals of Scilla mischtschenkoana (Turbergen Squill) nearly matched the light blue shadows of the snow.

By late afternoon the snow had nearly melted and the garden was awaiting a warmer overnight rain.

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